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Harmonized Data Source - Use PostgreSQL for the HDS DBMS

status: {proposed | rejected | accepted | deprecated | … | superseded by ADR-0005}

date: {YYYY-MM-DD when the decision was last updated}

deciders: entire TSC and AWG.  Not controversial


Use PostgreSQL as the database management system for a relational Harmonized Data Store

Context and Problem Statement

The Harmonized Data Store should be implemented using well known technologies and utilize open source solutions if possible.

Decision Drivers

  • open source for dbms
  • experience and familiarity to the community of potential developers

Considered Options

  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL

Decision Outcome

Chosen option: "PostgreSQL", because it is open source and relational technology is familiar to most development organizations.


  • Good, because learning curve is small
  • Good, because no extra cost or setup complexity



Pros and Cons of the Options


  • Good, because easy to add data and extract data
  • Good, because schema on write
  • Bad, because experience limited in potential maintainers
  • Bad, because proprietary system
