Versions Compared


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  • Sean Bohan (openIDL)
  • Nathan Southern (openIDL)
  • Peter Antley (AAIS)
  • Ken Sayers (AAIS)
  • Surya Lanka (Chainyard)
  • Yanko Zhelyazkov (Senofi)
  • Allen Thompson (Hanover)
  • Adnan Choudhury (Chainyard)
  • Aashish Shrestha (Chainyard)
  • Jeff Braswell (openIDL)
  • Faheem Zakaria (Hanover)

Agenda Items:

  • Antitrust

  • ND POC: Learnings, What Worked, What Didn't, What Was Changed

  • Next topics
  • AOB


  • openIDL ND POC Changes
    • 3 - Infrastructure, Fabric, Application POV
  • Infrastructure
    • added code to deploy the lambda function for report processing and upload UI
    • S3 bucket for cloud distro and AWS cert manager
    • upgraded Kub to 1.23 (1.22 was getting deprecated)
    • test environ updated
    • added cert manager for ssl certs for all endpoints
    • updated self-managed node groups to EKS managed node groups
      • self managed was using launch configs, getting deprecated in Dec - had to update them to EKS manager node group (template not configs)
    • Added jenkins pipeline to deploy upload UI app config
    • Upload UI was part of ND POC
  • KS
  • some things specific to ND, may take it out of base code and look at it as reference
  • Surya
    • Fabric
    • in HLF deployment, upgraded the images from 2.2.3 to 2.2.9
    • have the bug fixes as part of 2.2.9
    • fixed the chaincode to run after start
    • whenever there is a peer restart, need to upgrade chaincode to make it work
    • there is a restart of the peer, comes back up, should / will be able to create chaincode w/o issues 
    • fixed
    • not related to ND POC, but in general
    • Application
    • ND POC - need to deploy incidence manager to analytics node
    • with changes done, deployed data manager to Analytics node
    • new params in application component configs
    • automated gen of app component files through ansible templates
    • ansible app config files and load into one based on node type
    • integrated through jenkins pipeline
    • during node setup or new changes, can just trigger pipeline to update add app config files to the cluster
  • Why upgrade was performed? Specific bugs? Or just in case and what problems occured
  • Surya
    • w/ respect to bugs, necessary to keep code up to date, using 2.2.3 v of Fabric after which there is .4-.10
    • keep code up to date w/ respect to 2.2 vers
  • JB
    • was latest vers of fabric related to smaller max PDC size?
  • Surya - already there due to couch.db
    • 2.5 has support, 
  • Adnan
    • re: DC size, Fab has default value, going to static, not configurable
    • do not want to go over max
    • larger dataset in PDC reduces performance due to larger transactions
  • Aashish
    • couchdb 4, planning to make set limit (8mb)
    • future versions would encounter problems
  • KenS - concern about latest ver?
  • Yanko - target specific fixes, cautious
    • new vers may intro some other issues
    • wondering what specific bugs
  • KS - we dont want to get 2/3 vers behind, takes imporrible lift, stay within certain # of fabric
  • YZ - minor fixes and features
    • major vers require regression testing, etc
  • AS - did not update minor vers, just latest patch vers
  • KS 2.2.3 - 2.2.9
  • AS - next would be 2.4, feature wanted was to deleted PDC by triggering functions is in 2.5
  • KS - carriers dont want data in PDC
  • results of extractions, once in report, should be in PDC
  • KS - didn't test for some sizing
    • some unneccesaary logging
    • of things to do inside abd required beefing up machines
    • ND is an outlier - passing 100k rows, diff than stat reporting
    • more than running out of memory issues, probs with timeouts and restartting pods, etc.
  • Aashish
    • haven't touched performance tests
    • code optimization around loops too
  • Adnan
    • most taken care of by resource restructuring
    • specifically when running EP in Mongo, resources not enough
    • after beefing up resources, some loops and logs needed to be reprogrammed
    • longer timeouts, etc.
    • 1MM rows of data, give proper time, etc. 
  • KS
    • had to batch stuff in PDC
  • AC
    • going over config value for PDCs
    • chopped up w/ config value and saved results in PDC 1 by 1
    • taken for further processing, next set of process
  • YZ
    • perf problems due to chaincode and how it processed data
  • AC
    • unique nature of data itself, had to recalibrate a few things
    • comparison of data needed to be efficient
  • YZ
    • report processor - report being created
    • what are the problems on the network side - fix or extra effort to make it work
  • AC
    • saw timeouts
    • tranax timeouts
    • needed where we were trying to inc the resources
    • made sure the node with peer was not overloaded
  • SL
    • doc memory issue
    • processing larger data in PDC, couchDB issues with peers (size issue)
    • some app components getting killed due to "out of memory"
    • mult cases where we see the processing time is taking longer and getting killed due to OOM
  • YZ
    • analysis on why running out of memory?
  • AC - found issue
    • openIDL has 1 status DB, saving status of datacall
    • for some reason fails, scheduler comes in and tries to finish the job, comes back every 30 or 45 min
    • in test enviornment
    • some data calls did not - saw test environment was doing transax even though not doing data calls
  • YZ - issue was application side, not fabric
  • JB
    • Resource sizing for HDS in AWS is distinct from resource requirements for Fabric nodes, is it not ?
    • If HDS AWS resource for carrier is different than the Fabric node resource, the Fabric node resource would not need to be so large ?
    • diff resource sizing reqs were for app requirements, not the node itself
  • AS - typical data call, size of data less than ND?
  • KS - EP would be hundreds of records, small results at extraction
  • PA - we will be somewhere between, comes back as JSON, formatting data layer, string of JSONs
    • under 1000 element JSON
  • AS - will cut down a lot of processing
  • KS - stat reports are similar, will have other situations
    • MS POC might have a similr result set
  • PA - much bigger, not drivers, whole state
  • AS  # of carriers? per state?
  • PA - 100+ sep entities reco by NAIC
    • 200 by AAIS
    • less than 3k total
  • KS - way expecting to see it unfold, loading on behalf of carriers into multitenant node
  • PA - load testing to see how much we can fit
    • lots of carriers in a single node
    • 200+ carriers
    • a lot of small mutuals, crrier node 4 has 100 carriers in same table
    • data call, agg info, wont have all the primary keys
  • KS - ind nodes for less than 20 carriers for a while
  • AS - multi-tenant node size - MS ?
  • KS stat reporting will stretch multitenant
  • PA - didn't have any of these carriers working with us
  • KS - putting data in was a huge win
  • KS - cool thing
    • adding HDS to analutics node made it possible
    • wasnt considered in the original design
    • allowed DOT to load data that could be used by reporting processor
    • ability to quicly pivot and create diff reports was a big win as well
    • data quality issues 
    • bad VIN situation, vehilces not on the list due to not insurable
  • KS - how do we merge?
  • YZ - tickets in github with problem and solution, how approached, get aproved, can/has addressed can create a branch to get approved and merged
  • KS
    • how do we decide
  • YZ - focus on aplication side issues, few probs
    • processing data, etc.
    • Network side - going with operator so we prob wont use those changes, not relevant to new openIDL
    • ex: performance prob with processing data during data call, title of a git hub issue
  • AS - can move over things on trello, tracking this, as issues in github
  • JB - any reason to make a repo for ND app specific stuff, baseline concept
  • KS - are we refactoring a repo? roadmap, backlog 
  • YZ - merge the fixes into MAIN, then refactoring later
  • KS - grab Trello items, pick what applies, merge and refactor
  • PA - Mason and PA working on ETL, are we making a new repo? stay where we are?
  • KS - ETL will stick around - kee working there

Action items:
