February 16, 2023


Agenda Items:

  1. Antitrust Policy
  2. Status Updates
  3. IWG Near Term Agenda
    1. GitHub 
      1. Policies
      2. Prerequisite for the Merge
    2. Maintainer Policies
      1. Maintainer Role
        1. Technical Leadership at a code level
        2. Help onboard new contributors/maintainers
        3. Review/Comment/Approve PRs
        4. Escalate to AWG or TSC
      2. Maintainer Selection
        1. 2 Maintainers per Infrastructure Partner
        2. 1 Maintainer per Member (Carrier)
        3. 2 Maintainer openIDL Org
        4. 2 Maintainer AAIS
      3. Fabric Maintainer Policy as an example
    3. Merge (ND POC, Testnet, etc.)
      1. Inventory (outline changes/improvements, what can use, feature/bug fix)
      2. Model: Network vs. Application Communities
    4. Developer Certificate of Origin (all of openIDL and new contributions)
    5. License Compliance (LF has automated tools)
    6. Security
    7. Documentation
      1. Currently ReadTheDocs
    8. Bug Tracking/Issues
      1. GitHub Issues, Jira?
    9. CI/CD
    10. Release Management



Action items: