
ZOOM Meeting Information:

Thursday, March 10th at  9am PT/12pm ET

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Meeting ID: 924 4095 9002
Passcode: 369672
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TSC Voting Members Attendance:

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Call to order: 9am PT/12pm ET
  2. Anti-Trust, Review of TSC meeting format and participation by Truman Esmond, TSC Chair 
  3. TSC Calendar Invites
  4. (Approve Minutes from previous meeting) That the minutes of the January 13, 2021 meeting of the openIDL Technical Steering Committee, here.
  5. Agenda Review and Standing Agenda Items:
    1. openIDL Chainyard SOW
    2. TSC Meeting Discussion
      1. Form & Format
      2. Cadence
    3. New Working Group Update (and request)
      1. Architecture WG (Mondays 3pm ET, 1PM MT, Noon PT)
        1. Chair: 
        2. Vice Chair:
        3. Note: may spin off Backlog WG in the future
      2. Governance WG  (Wednesdays 3pm ET, 1PM MT, Noon PT)
        1. Chair:
        2. Vice Chair:
        3. Note: On hold until Architecture WG meets a few times
    4. Other Steering or Board committee updates
    5. Open Floor: Community input/feedback on current efforts
  6. Adjourn: 10am PT/1pm ET

Recording/Meeting Minutes

Discussion Items:

5minAgenda itemName
  • Notes for this agenda item


Action Items: